All in the same boat is a movement that engages individuals and businesses to make better choices for healthier communities and a healthier planet.


About us

We live in the 1000 Islands on the beautiful St Lawrence river, where our community spans across the border of Canada and the US in New York State. The closest river communities along the river here are Clayton, Cape Vincent, Alexandria Bay and Gananoque, CA. We are a solution based movement. Our goal is to create a platform for individuals, businesses and communities to share what they are doing to eliminate single use plastic and live more sustainably. We are all about sharing information and inspiring change. It’s not about perfection, it’s about intention and believing in the magic of our intentions and actions.

From the 1000 Islands, to the Midway Islands to the great Pacific Garbage Patch we are truly all one community, sharing one planet. We are all in the same boat!

There is no such thing as ‘away’. When we throw anything away it must go somewhere.
— Annie Leonard